David Sobel
David Sobel is a trailblazing environmental educator who raised his children in the heart of nature. His story shows other parents how they can counter today’s pervasive ‘nature deficit.’
I believe in making the world a more beautiful place for children.
I do this through keynote lectures, hands-on workshops with teachers, consulting with schools and environmental organizations, and working with community groups.
My writing has helped to shape the place-based education movement in the United States and around the world. I’m also a proponent of nature-based early childhood education. That means getting children outside, to play and learn in the natural world and in their communities.
I’ve worked with the National Park Service, the Children and Nature Network, numerous colleges and universities, a diversity of zoos and aquaria, nature centers near and far, independent and public schools in remote British Columbia and in inner city Boston.
I live in the Monadnock region of southwestern New Hampshire and am committed to cold water swimming, the exploration of landscape nooks and crannies and to joyfully embracing the gift of life on earth.